Student Affairs

十大彩票平台 Cares about YOUR education

学生事务处负责支持和参与学院的学术任务. As educators, we seek to maintain and enhance a purposeful, open, disciplined, caring, and diverse community. As such, we value integrity, dedication, commitment, honesty, social and civic responsibility, while promoting our students' intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual development. 我们致力于通过卓越的服务来优化学生的发展, programs, and facilities.

As specialists in the field of student development, 我们在课堂内外都是学生的倡导者. We consult and collaborate with faculty, staff, administrators, and campus external governing agencies. Through collaborative research and evaluation, we study our environment, programs, and services and are accountable to our students, the College, our state, 我们的专业是为所有学生提供优质的教育体验.

Mission of Student Affairs

学生事务的使命是补充学院的学术使命. Student Affairs provides opportunities for student development, student involvement, 体验式学习有助于学生的成功和满足感.

学生事务处的主要工作重点是促进学生的个人成长, personal achievement, 和社会责任,通过广泛的项目和服务,旨在补充学生的教育经验,并努力:

  • 通过一系列的员工和同伴辅导计划促进学生的学业成功.
  • 通过学生行为准则的管理和公平公正的学生司法审查计划,强调道德和负责任的学生行为.
  • develop the social, civic, 通过各种各样的学生组织培养学生的领导能力, group activities, and leadership programs.
  • encourage and facilitate programs that advance the cultural, social, civic, 在多元文化的学习环境中培养学生的领导能力和教育发展.

Student Advocacy & Support

学生事务办公室副主席为所有十大彩票平台学生提供学生宣传和支持. 我们在这里为你辩护,确保你的大学经历是最好的. Our services include but are not limited to:

  • Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Recovery & Education Resources
  • College Transfer Status Reports
    • When transferring to a four-year institution, 作为入学要求的一部分,你可能需要提交一份大学转学状态报告. 此表格需要由十大彩票平台学生事务处和注册办公室填写. 请预留四个工作天完成及处理此表格.
  • Conflict resolution guidance
  • The Debt Appeal Process:
  • Judicial and grievance procedure guidance
  • Medical Re-entry Process
  • Records release/background checks
    • 学生和校友在就业时需要披露行为信息. 所有来自政府机构/第三方背景调查机构的此类请求必须发送至 该请求必须包括签署的放行表格以及联系信息和适用的徽章/代理识别号码,以便检查记录. 请注意,学生事务处不会通过电话发布行为信息.
  • Referrals for services both on and off-campus.
  • Student Absence Notification Request
    • 连续缺课三天以上的学生可要求向其教职员发出学生缺课通知.

Student Affairs conducts Alcohol and Other Drugs Programming for all new, incoming students. During a student's first semester at the college, 他们被邀请参加我们的“包容”预防培训课程 Alcohol and Other Drugs and Hazing and Intimidation. Learning Objectives for each training session are as follows:

Alcohol & Other Drugs

  • Explain what alcohol does to the mind and body.
  • Describe own boundaries around alcohol and drug use.
  • Identify when a situation requires intervention.

Hazing & Intimidation

  • 解释什么是欺侮,并检查与欺侮有关的常见神话.
  • Describe the prevalence of hazing.
  • 确定旁观者策略来帮助欺侮和恐吓的受害者.



Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.


Student Affairs
Ira H. Rubenzahl学生学习共享区(B19),二楼261室

Darcey Kemp
Vice President, Student Affairs

Lori Goodreau
Staff Assistant