Health & Wellness Center


The Health & Wellness Center at 十大彩票平台技术社区学院 provides health and support services to members of the college community and is also responsible for making sure students observe all state and college-mandated health requirements.

For more details please see the content of this page and our list of 常见问题 (FAQs). 获取有关COVID-19的信息,包括测试, 接种疫苗的需求, 安全协议, please see our COVID-19 page.

Health Services

The Health and Wellness Center provides students with access to professional medical advice. 该办公室全年开放,接受病人评估. Appointments are encouraged, but some walk-in services are available. The Health and Wellness Center does not currently accept insurance. If you are in need of off-campus health care please review this 十大彩票平台地区的医疗诊所列表.

十大彩票平台技术社区学院 is committed to supporting student healthcare needs. 学生和员工可以使用自助室. 可用于哺乳, wound care, 自我给药, 冥想和其他反思练习, 以及几乎所有其他合法的医疗需求. The Self-Care Room is located within the Health and Wellness Center, Ira H. Rubenzahl学生学习共享区(B19), 177室. The room is available on a first-come/first-served basis. 房间使用限制在每隔30分钟, is subject to the Student Code of Conduct and all other applicable College policies.

Health Forms

Three things determine the health forms students need to submit: Program-Specific requirements, 全校的需求, 和国家要求.

Program-Specific requirements are for programs with a fieldwork component, 包括我们的许多联合健康计划. The requirements for each of these programs are listed below.

就读于 健康与病人模拟(护理)学院, Dental, Medical Imaging, 医疗协助, 康复治疗, etc.), 幼儿教育, 非信贷医疗保健计划(CNA, EMT, Phlebotomy), 行为科学, 或者健康科学项目.

Each of these programs has a checklist of required forms and health records needed for newly enrolled students and are provided via the PDF links below.

For all other students please see the attached document: 非健康-健康记录要求

Where can a student get these immunizations if he/she has no proof?

If a student needs to be re-immunized because of age or inability to locate his/her record, there are many locations and clinics to obtain vaccinations, 有些以较低的速度. Tuberculosis testing, seasonal flu vaccinations, and physical exams are by appointment only.


你可下载 Authorization To Release or Obtain Health Records Form (PDF) and return it to the Health and Wellness Center office in person, by mail, or by fax. 或者,您可以完成 Authorization To Release or Obtain Health Records eForm (须登入十大彩票平台帐户). Please allow 1 - 2 business days for the request to be processed.

Student Athletes are required to submit vaccination records (form listing requirements attached below).

  • immunity to tetanus (vaccination within the last 10 years)
  • immunity to pertussis (single dose of pertussis containing vaccine after age 18)
  • immunity to measles (two live-vaccine doses or 滴度阳性结果)
  • immunity to mumps (two live-vaccine doses or 滴度阳性结果)
  • immunity to rubella (two live-vaccine doses or 滴度阳性结果)
  • immunity to hepatitis B (three vaccine doses or 滴度阳性结果)
  • 对水痘有免疫力, 被称为水痘(两剂疫苗), 滴度阳性结果, 或病史记录)
  • evidence of a meningitis vaccine (Menveo or Menactra) after 16th birthday for all students between 16-21 years old

所有运动员必须完成一次 运动员镰状细胞特征NJCAA表格(PDF)

运动员还必须完成一份年度报告 运动预参加表格(PDF)


Health requirements can be submitted in person at our office, by fax, 或使用下面的适当链接在线观看.




疫苗接种记录可使用 马萨诸塞州免疫信息系统 or the 十大彩票平台 授权发布或获取健康记录表.


Ira H. Rubenzahl学生学习共享区(B19) / 177室
Fax: 413-755-6045
十大彩票平台Net门户运行状况 & 健康中心页面 -用于上传健康记录


Monday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

A secure dropbox is also available for submitting documents.